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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Jay Z Changes His Mind

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When it comes to the whole Occupy Wall Street thing, I was pretty much on the fence.  Personally I’m a believer of if you want something to change, change it.  Don’t sit around and whine about it, get off your butt, and become that 1% or whatever the issue is and fix it.  However, I do feel how some people would feel like Jay Z is kind of a dick after reading this interview with New York Times Magazine, especially since he tried to sell Occupy Wall Street T-Shirts, however, him and his wife do contribute to charities, and I do sort of get what he is saying.  The people that worked hard to get in that 1% don’t deserve to be punished at all.

Via The Blaze:

 “What’s the thing on the wall, what are you fighting for?” Jay-Z said in a recent New York Times magazine interview.
“I’m not going to a park and picnic, I have no idea what to do, I don’t know what the fight is about. What do we want, do you know?” he said he asked rap magnate Russel Simmons.

His questions for the anti-corporate movement continued:I think all those things need to really declare themselves a bit more clearly. Because when you just say that ‘the 1 percent is that,’ that’s not true. Yeah, the 1 percent that’s robbing people, and deceiving people, these fixed mortgages and all these things, and then taking their home away from them, that’s criminal, that’s bad. Not being an entrepreneur.“This is free enterprise. This is what America is built on,” he added, defending those who, he thinks, create wealth and success legitimately.

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